東欧・手しごと チャルカ
長年、東欧を旅するなかで、豊かな暮らしって何だろう? と思う機会が度々ありました。
For many years, as I traveled throughout Eastern Europe, I had frequent opportunities to consider a simple question: What brings abundance to our lives? Charkha is a place where warmth and a sense of nostalgia can be shared with others.
This is not simply a place where “things” are sold. Rather, this is a space filled with folkloric charm, where care, and attention to detail can be found in each of our various items and handcrafted goods from Eastern Europe. Our store also has a large bookshelf with a collection of local catalogues and translated texts, while our small cooking classes and handicraft workshops will give you the sense that you’ve journeyed to an Eastern European home. Through this range of products and services, we continue to share tips and wisdom for our daily lives, demonstrate the beauty of objects, and express the joy of making.

We sell various items and travel ephemera brought back from The Czech Republic, Hungary, and other Eastern European countries, along with stationery items made in Japan. We also offer specialty paper, ornaments, handicraft materials, and folk crafts, as well as other small treasures and lovable odds and ends. Our store also has an exhibition area where you can peruse valuable embroidery, textiles, and glass products handmade by local artisans for a fee.
- 店内はすべて写真撮影不可となります
We have a large shelf with over 100 locally-collected books related to Eastern European folk costumes, embroidery, designs, glass accessories, beads, and other folklore for your browsing pleasure. You can also find valuable handmade goods created by an increasingly rare number of expert craftspeople. For a small fee you can have a seat and peruse your favorite book or embroidery while sipping tea at our dedicated table.
Visit our Library page for more details regarding pricing and usage.
- Please note that no photography is allowed within the store.

When mere “things” becomes a part of one’s daily life and feelings, they are transformed into small moments of joy and fun. Click here for our dedicated online shop which offers handicraft materials from Eastern Europe, interior decorations, ornaments, stationary, and specialty paper.
東欧・手しごと チャルカ
Charkha – Handcrafts from Eastern Europe and beyond
木金土 13:00-18:00
Thu.Fri.Sat. 13:00-18:00
- 長期休暇、不定休あり。HPのお知らせで最新情報の確認をお願いします。
- We may take long vacations sometimes. Please check our HP news for the latest information.
〒542-0066 大阪市中央区瓦屋町1-5-23
google map
- 地下鉄谷町線・長堀鶴見緑地線/谷町六丁目駅4番出口から徒歩6分
- 地下鉄長堀鶴見緑地線/松屋町駅3番出口から徒歩5分